《草木缘》-修复八仙桌 《草木缘》-修复八仙桌“Affection of straw and wood” – repaired square table 作者:敖 进、杨承颖、刘潇Designers: Ao Jin,Yang Chengyin, Liu Xiao材质:木、稻草、糯米、坚果壳等综合材料Materials: Wood, straw, sticky rice, nuts and comprehensive materials 设计阐述:Design description: 八仙桌是用于吃饭饮酒的家具,可以围坐八个人,故百姓俗称“八仙桌”。此作品原形为一传统的八仙桌,由于岁月长久其已腐烂。作者利用其腐旧形成的肌理使用具有粘稠性的糯米和稻草、坚果等材料结合对木桌进行修复。通过打磨让稻草若隐若现,使木桌在与“草”的结合中得以重生,是为“草木结缘”。Square table is a piece of furniture used for dining and drinking. Eight people can sit around the table, so it is commonly known as “eight-immortal” table. The original shape of the work is a traditional square table, which has been decayed after a very long time. The craftsmen make use of the texture formed by decomposition to repair the wood table by sticky rice, straws and nuts. By polishing, the straws are indistinct. The wood table revives via combination with the straws. So it is named “affection of straw and wood”. 《高山流水》-实木多用途八仙桌 《高山流水》-实木多用途八仙桌 “Mountain & Stream” - Solid Wood Multipurpose Square Table作者:赵卫东、彭科星、罗昊、马林明Designers: Zhao Weidong, Peng Kexing, Luo Hao and Ma Linming材质:木Material: Wood 设计阐述:Design description: “品味中国·牵手世界”展览以中国“坝坝宴”的形式呈现。而“坝坝宴”最典型的饮食方式是“流水式的高潮”不间断重复。“高山流水—八仙桌”设计概念,就是来自“高潮起伏,源源不断”的含义。The exhibition of “Taste China · Connects with the World” is presented by form of “Nine Steamed Dishes” in China. While the most typical dietary mode of “Nine Steamed Dishes” is “running-water climax” and intermittent repetition. The design concept of “Mountain & Stream – Square Desk” is from the meaning of “running-water climax and continuousness”. 传统“书卷”与层叠起伏的“山体”结合的托盘造型象征着“高山”;蜿蜒跌荡的飞流直下的桌旗造型象征着“流水”,“高山流水—八仙桌”,隐喻出“流水式高潮重复”饮食方式“坝坝宴”的展览形式主题。The shape of tray combining traditional “scrolls” and cascading mountains stands for “high mountains”; the zigzagging table flag like waterfalls stands for “streams”. The “Mountains & Stream – Square Table” shows a metaphor of dietary mode of “running-water climax” and intermittent repetition, and the theme of exhibition way of “Nine Steamed Dishes”. 《舞》-综合材料八仙桌 《舞》-综合材料八仙桌 “Dance” – Comprehensive Materials Square Table作者:张海东Designer: Zhang Haidong材质:木、毛线、金属Materials: Wood, kitting wool, metal 设计阐述:Design description 该作品以中国传统饮食文化及民俗文化为灵感,将老式八仙桌与现代纤维艺术相结合的创作。纤维以红色为主,凸显“中国红”元素,穿插其中的纤维材料主要混合了天然羊毛线及各种人造纤维,并由金属丝等硬质材料固定造型。纤维块面以“S”形将桌子一分为二,也暗合了太极八卦的图形。材质与造型的多重选择,体现了文化由传统向现代过渡的形态。 The design idea of this work is from traditional Chinese food culture and folk culture. It combines the old-fashioned square table with modern fiber art. The fibers are mainly in red, showing the element of “China Red”. The interspersing fiber materials contain nature wool and various artificial fibers, and fixed by hard materials such as metal wire. The fiber surface separates the table into two parts by an “S” shape line, which also implies the figure of eight-diagram-shaped appetizer. The multiple choices of materials and models show the form of culture transiting from tradition to modern. 《新中式实木八仙桌》之二 《新中式实木八仙桌》之二 Neo-Chinese Style Solid Wood Square Table II 作者:谢垚Designer: Xie Yao材质:木Materials: Wood 《新中式实木八仙桌》之二:Neo-Chinese Style Solid Wood Square Table II: 这张八仙桌灵感来自明代的棋牌桌。该设计将牙板和腿结合在一起,将装饰和结构结合在一起。薄薄的抽屉显得精致灵动。The design idea of this square table is from the chess table in Ming Dynasty. The design combines dental plate and legs, and combines decoration and structure. The thin drawer is exquisite and flexible. |
《新中式实木八仙桌》之二 Neo-Chinese Style Solid Wood Square Table II 作者:谢垚 Designer: Xie Yao 材质:木 Materials: Wood
《新中式实木八仙桌》之二: Neo-Chinese Style Solid Wood Square Table II: 这张八仙桌灵感来自明代的棋牌桌。该设计将牙板和腿结合在一起,将装饰和结构结合在一起。薄薄的抽屉显得精致灵动。 The design idea of this square table is from the chess table in Ming Dynasty. The design combines dental plate and legs, and combines decoration and structure. The thin drawer is exquisite and flexible. 上一个: 《舞》-综合材料八仙桌 下一个: 《组合展架》 |